Are you , or someone you know, facing or dealing with a health crisis? Are you desperate for a little extra help and support but don’t know where to turn? Now, you don’t have to go it alone.
Ten years ago my husband had a heart attack. We had two high school age children who were knee-deep in extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and college searches. My husband and I supported our family with our home based business, that on the best days required 24/7 attention from both of us. There was not time or energy in our days for what we were already doing let alone to deal with the extra demands of a sudden health crisis. I didn’t know where to turn.
We called on a few family members to help out, who graciously availed themselves to us, but it was not an orderly, easy coordination of efforts and at times seemed more effort than help. Who can think, plan and organize at a time like that? I couldn’t. CaringBridge.com did not exist at that time, at least in my world. It would have made all the difference.
CaringBridge.com is a non-profit organization that understands the difficulties inherent in coping with a life crisis. Its mission is to “amplify the love, hope and compassion in the world, making each health journey easier”. The evidence is clear that it is fulfilling its mission.
The SupportPlanner is CaringBridge’s primary tool to assist people facing a health crisis such as the one my husband and I faced. It is an online tool that makes coordination of support efforts thorough, easy and efficient. It provides a centralized, virtual location to organize helpful tasks, such as the delivering of a meal, transportation, taking care of pets, etc. Only people who are invited by the user to view the planner can access the calendar and sign up for a task, ensuring privacy for the parties involved.
Several months ago, my friend Sandy was facing major surgery. She lived alone and was uneasy about the six-week recovery period she was facing, when she would be unable to drive. Her sister had heard about CaringBridge.com and before Sandy even entered the hospital she had signed coordinated a full spectrum of support volunteers using The SupportPlanner and she did it all through email. She coordinated meals, visits, errands, and drivers and Sandy received the support of a dozen well wishers throughout recovery. The support was a tremendous gift to Sandy and, I believe, resulted in a quicker, less painful recovery.
In honor of National Cargiver’s Month, I encourage you to visit CaringBridge.com and learn a little about what they have to offer. You never know when you, or someone you care about might need support.
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