Dear Friends,
The real meaning of this holiday season, at least for me, can be found in the joy and laughter of young children. In their faces we can see the purity of hope, untarnished by life’s eventualities. Their excitement is contagious and their belief that anything is possible is palpable.
We have all received a painful reminder of what the world can do to innocence. Last week’s tragic events has evoked a guttural cry from deep within the hearts and souls of men and women everywhere. The untarnished images of those angels lost tugs not only on our emotions but on our conscience.
Children speak every day, everywhere. They have a message for us. Are we listening? Do we hear their voices? Understand what they have to teach us? Or have we fallen deaf, not only to their voices, but to the voice of the child that lives within each of us.
This holiday season, let’s take a moment to listen to the children, to still the voice of the culture, the “adult” dictates and beliefs that would deem themselves of greater importance. Let’s turn down the volume on external directives and listen to the sound of innocence. It is the real gift of the season.
Wishing you and yours a warm and joy filled holiday season.
Dorothy Sander
Aging Abundantly
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ~ Frederich Nietzsche
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