Since last writing, I have been on a journey, both an exterior one and an interior one. We are all, everyday, journeying somewhere, whether we leave our home or not. There is so very much to learn about the nature of life, the gift of living, and our reason for being here. It is a very personal adventure if we choose to embrace it, and a universal one. It’s both riveting and terrifying and sometimes, we must dig deep to find the courage and the wisdom to stay the course.

My husband and I drove 2,070 miles to see our sons and bring them a truck full of their belongings. It was the first road trip we have taken since our accident 3 1/2 years ago. Reaching this point has required a strength and courage very different from any that has been required of me before, and one I’m still not always sure I have. It is a strength that is not without fear, but one that trembles and trusts simultaneously. Living long, living wise, and living full requires a letting go of ordinariness and embracing the extra-ordinariness that is the true substance and foundation of life for every one of us.
Be Transformed
There is a reason that each of us is here, even if we do not yet know what it is. We have our part to play, our truth to speak. It’s up to each of us o find the courage to embrace it, to own it, to allow it to transform us in ways we can not imagine beforehand. Every day in this way we must choose to turn our attention away from the blood curdling cries of a world that cannot see the truth and reach out to the hand that is reaching out to us.
There are those who have their ear to the spiritual ground swell and who are guiding, directing, discovering, embracing and describing its unfolding to the best of their ability. Caroline Myss speaks to me in this regard, as does Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and James Finley. There are others who may speak to you more. Find a mentor and tune in, often. We all need guidance along this path. Here is Caroline Myss’ message today:
“Pray beyond petitioning for the stuff you want for yourself. Learn to be present to the grace of the sacred. Open yourself to the mystic that you are by nature. Your intuition is not a skill to be honed so that you can figure out how to stay safe and avoid losing money. If you think that, you will never develop more than your gut instincts. You need to challenge your fear of life becoming unreasonable – because it is already unreasonable. In truth, your life has never been reasonable, it’s just that you keep hoping tomorrow will be different and that you will find a way to bring more control into your world.
Prayer and trust and your capacity to reason as a mystic give you the wisdom to recognize that life will always be full of challenges and crisis. The wise way is not to attempt to find one path that promises you will never have to endure the pain of loss and illness, but instead to learn how to endure and transcend when unreasonable events come your way. Learning to defy gravity in your world – to think, perceive, and act at the mystical level of consciousness – is the greatest gift you can give yourself, because it is the gift of truth. And as we are bound to learn again and again in this life, the truth does indeed set us free.
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In Good Health! Crystal Honeycutt, ND, HB
please excuse typos this message came from my phone 🙂