A world of abundance lives outside of my window this morning. I am drawn to the Carolina blue sky. My breath catches as I see the sun’s rays wash over the lush green foliage along the driveway’s edge. It’s hard to imagine that in just a few short weeks the landscape will look quite different. In mid to late August the yard is awash with fast growing greenery such as wild morning glories and and weeds that the heat kept us from removing. Everything grows with an intensity of speed that one can almost see it happening. It’s as if the plants see the end in sight and know it’s time to hurry to get it all done.
I feel much like these morning glories and weeds these days. It’s time to hurry up and get it done before my time is up. At the same time, I’ve grown weary of earthly endeavors. So many things no longer hold my attention, just as I grow tired of the impatience that seem to bloom on endlessly this time of year. By mid-September I want nothing more than to pull them out by the roots and toss them in a heap, their splashy pink tones an assault to the senses. After all, It is time for the season of yellows and golds and browns.
It reminds me of the ebb and flow of our lives, the abundance of youth, followed by the eagerness to expand at midlife and then a desire for simplicity. We reach less often for a lush environment as we we move into our wisdom years. Like the leaves that will fall, age calls us inward. It is time to draw upon our inner resources, to settle the score of our soul and leave worldly things to those still eager for them. For us, on the golden side of life, it is a time of simplicity, not scarcity. as we are gathering an abundance of another sort.
Soon the the seasons will be changing. Today, there are still a few things left to do.
“Like the leaves that will fall, age calls us inward. We are called to settle the score of our soul and leave the worldly things to those still finding their way. It is a time of simplicity, not scarcity; an abundance of the soul, not a worldly abundance.” Dorothy Sander
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“Like the leaves that will fall, age calls us inward. We are called to settle the score of our soul and leave the worldly things to those still finding their way. It is a time of simplicity, not scarcity; an abundance of the soul, not a worldly abundance.”
You’ve captured it, Dorothy. Thanks!
Yes, life has its ebb and flow. Acceptance and gratitude brings contentment. Great post!
This is a beautiful post. I especially love this: “We are called to settle the score of our soul and leave the worldly things to those still finding their way.”
At 57 I am between seasons also. I am partly still trying to find my way, but I also find myself going inward more than I used to.
Thank you for these words of wisdom, and your garden is beautiful.
Saloma, It seems to be the time to go inward. There is so much yet to be explored! I often think there will never be time enough to learn all there is to learn, and experience all I’d like to experience – especially in the inner world – so vast! I wish I could take the credit for the beautiful garden in the picture, but alas, it is not my garden. Mine became quite overgrown as I struggled to recover over the last four years, but I have begun working on it again this year…truly a sign of healing! More about that in ManifestMe2014 blog. Thank you for visiting and for sharing your thoughts. Dorothy