The books we read reflect who we are and what’s important to us. They also represent the cutting edge of who we hope to become.

This morning as I write, I have beside me an end table. It’s a “modern” 50’s piece my mother purchased for her home back in the day. Without drawers or frills, it’s a style that has come full circle, and still not my idea of beautiful. I love it because my mother loved it. When I touch it, or polish it, or glance at it, I feel her presence with me.
All scuffed and marred from years of traveling hither and yon, and too many moments of neglect, I toy with the idea of refinishing it. For now, it has a different purpose. It shelves my wish to read or re-read books and the working copies of my own creative endeavors. I keep them close by, like the table, to remind me of what I love and what I yearn toward. This 16″ x 24″ x 36″ space symbolizes the growing edge of me, my intentions and the mystery yet to unfold.
A stack of books on the bottom shelf contain a few my favorites and a few more I want to finish. On the bottom of the pile is a recent edition of American Poet, a wonderful journal of poetry I receive as a member of the Academy of American Poets. I love poetry, though I don’t spend near enough time writing and reading it.
A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.
? Robert Frost
Next are a couple of old standbys and a few new ones:
SIMPLE ABUNDANCE, A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, by Sarah Ban Breathnach – Is it ever possible to get too much of this gem? If you don’t have a copy, get one. The next thing you know you’ll be buying one for a friend.
DEFY GRAVITY, Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason by Caroline Myss – A synthesis the writers lifetime of work and writing as a medical intuitive, Myss shows how she sees healing, not just a physical process, but as one that requires transcending reason. She believes, in fact, that healing is a mystical phenomenon.
THE LIFE CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING UP – I am forever hopeful. It is a great book and has helped me pare down and simplify my life, even if it’s still a work in progress!
MY LIFE STORY SO FAR, A journal of personal history, unforgettable people, and the details — big or small — that have shaped my life. My sweet, sweet, daughter-in-law gave me this journal for Christmas this year. She knows me already. I most definitely did not lose a son. I gained a daughter, something I always wanted.
WRITING CREATIVELY & WRITING UP A STORM (Two versions of the same book) by Celia Leaman, a writing instructor become friend. This gem is packed full of need-to-know information on the practical matters of writing. Her British wit and humor turns some very dull topics into a delightful read. I turn to her books whenever I want to work on my craft.
LEARNING TO WALK IN THE DARK by Barbara Brown Taylor – Taylor’s book is the next book I intend to read as part of my daily reflective reading (Lectio Divina*) practice. I will say more about it after I’ve read it!
Two books on top of my armchair table, books my mother never had the opportunity to read. Mine. She knew I wanted to write, and saved everything I ever wrote to her, but it wasn’t until her last days that I found the courage to go beyond the random poem or journal entry. The first piece published was about my family’s struggle to manage her care. I didn’t share it with her because I didn’t want her to know our difficulties.
She would be proud of my meager attempts. She always saw the best in me, though she couldn’t begin to understand my struggles. I believe, however, that her ability to see the best in everyone provided the cornerstone of hope in my own life.
My books are still a work in progress. I see their flaws and find it difficult to set them free. I understand this is a writer’s affliction. I’m most content with Finding Hope, though I still want to re-write the first few essays. As for Midlife Pathways? I want to trash it and start over. I keep it in view to keep me honest and I make notes in it from time to time.
The question remains: WHAT BOOKS ARE ON YOUR END TABLE? What do they say about the cutting edge of who you are and what you yearn toward?
(Look closely at the stack of books in the picture and you will see a bookmark in each. A gift from a friend, I received these bookmarks in a freshly printed copy of her new book Note to Self, A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude and Growth. Laurie Buchanan’s book is a great read! You also owe it to yourself to pay a visit to her website and read her blog. Tuesdays with Laurie. Each Tuesday, without fail, she gives her readers something to think about.
*”Lectio Divina”, a Latin term, that means “divine or sacred reading”. A traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer. It the broadest sense, it is a practice of reflective reading whereby one reads inspirational literature with an open mind , heart and spirit with the intention to listen, hear and experience a closer connection with Spirit.
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Thank you for this gem. I am always curious about what others are reading.
On my night table are two books: Frances Mayes’ memoir, Under Magnolia and a reflective volume Small Graces: The Quiet Gifts of Everyday Life by Kent Newborn. I usually read books from two different genres for balance.
I see you are reading the Tidying Up book I reviewed (and tried to practice) last year. Of course, I have held on to Simple Abundance, a classic in my opinion.
Your comments about books you’ve read and are writing now reveal your caring, generous soul.
And your 50s end table is lovely. I doubt I would refinish it: it shines with memories and your mother’s spirit. But it’s your call, Dorothy!
Love this post, just what I need to read today after the recent blow-up on my own website. Thank you!
I love the sound of the books you’re reading, Marian. Will have to look into them. And yes, I have read about half of the Tidying Up book but got hung up on folding my clothes in little tiny squares. I did it once and it was fun and freed up so much space. Maintaining the routine? Not so easy! Still, I love the concept and keep her concepts nearby to spark my progress.
I don’t know that I will refinish the table. I’m afraid if it were perfect, it would look like hers anymore.
I’m sorry to hear you had problems on your website! Is it fixed?
Problems persist, but the construction is supposed to be completed by Jan. 28, so she says. Fingers crosses!
I’ve added another book to my pile that seems to fit with the times: Sandy Tolan’s The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew, and The Heart of the Middle East. I’ll see how that goes . . .
Compelling title! I’ll look for a review on your site in the weeks ahead.
Lovely post Marian. Although we have many bookshelves, there always seem to be those books that we keep at our bedside for a quick grab for whatever the mood.
Besides my kindle that rests on my bedside table, are my Daily Guidance from the Angels, by Doreen Virtue, which is has a permanent spot, joined by Steven Pinker’s – Sense of Style, Nora Ephron’s – Crazy Salad, and Julia Cameron’s – The Artist’s Way. 🙂
I started to read something by Doreen Virtue and put it down. I’ll have to try again. And, ah.. . The Artist’s Way, a gem indeed!
What a lovely list of books you have there!
Mine tend to be more on topics that feed my entrepreneurial spirit … success stories written on the wings of the internet. I am always learning … and sometimes that learning is a course that hopefully takes me further. I am in the midst of one right now.
One of my faves is Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” … I return to it often. Admit to being a personal development junkie!
I also enjoy reading memoirs of the WWII era and to that end will be updating Rumble On Clydesdale Street, clean it up a bit.
Now you’ve given me an idea! My coffee table does not have a story like yours does, but it is not bereft of books. The idea is to share my table’s tales which I’ll put up on my blog. I will of course mention where the idea came from.
I too am a personal development junkie and only occasionally do I pick up a book of fiction. I’ve fallen in love with memoirs and always learn something from them. I look forward to reading your post and the tales your table has to share.
Dorothy — I just finished THE SELF-CARE SOLUTION. I’m currently reading ROLE REVERSAL, and A GIRL LIKE YOU.
I’m surprised you have time to read at all, Laurie! I see you’ve been very busy promoting your book. Hope it’s going well.