…In those moments, when things seem dark, unsettled, hopeless. . . when it seems there is nothing to look forward to, no purpose or goal yet to attain…I want nothing more than someone to convince me that the reverse is true. Today is not a dark day for me, but it may be for you and so I’m here to tell you, Do not despair, tomorrow the light will return to your life and you will see clearly again. If not tomorrow, then the next day or the next. But, it will return. I promise. There is so much to live for. Hang on.
How can I make that promise? Because I’ve had so very many dark days in my life. But today, in spite of it all, I feel the hope that keeps me going day by day. There is much to live for. The sun is shinning. The air is fresh and cold, rich with energy and potential. Like you. And like me. Let’s not leave a drop of life on the table when it’s our time to go. Let’s not miss a thing.

So, I went to the dentist this morning to have two small cavities filled. No big deal. The good news is the dentist’s office is right next door to Starbucks, so I decided a Caramel Macchiato would be my reward and a bit of motivation to get back to writing after.
When I left the dentist’s office, I didn’t think about the consequences of the two shots of Novocain! When I opened my mouth to order my coffee – I found I could not form the “m” in Machiato. The young girl at the window looked at me strangely, but seemed to get the message. I realized, as I was sitting there, that my entire top lip, including my nose (!) was numb. Overkill, for sure, but when I went to take a sip of my delicious hot coffee, my lips refused to form around the cup and a giant dribble fell blissfully onto my new white top.
Now more than hour later my coffee has grown cold and I still can’t drink it with any sort of success. Not to mention it’s now getting dangerously close to the time of day when I dare not drink coffee! The upside of my dilemma is that my teeth are fixed and I did manage to nibble the scone into oblivion and write this note to you. All is well. My Starbucks will be reheated. Probably tomorrow.
BTW have you noticed that doctors and dentists, are getting younger and younger every day? Do they know what they’re doing??
My son and his wife are expecting their first baby ~ our first grand-baby. It took me a little while to adjust to the shock – I was still recovering from their wedding and preparing for my youngest son’s wedding in October.
But, even though my firstborn’s wedding seemed like yesterday, a year and a half has actually passed. (Doctors are getting younger and time is speeding up!)
I’ve decided that the nine months of waiting is just as beneficial to the grandparents as it is the parents – we all need time to acclimate and adjust. The baby is due mid-May and at this time I’ve totally adjusted. In fact, I’m over the top excited. I’m sad that we’re 1,000 miles apart and every day I think about how nice it would be to live in the same town and be with them through it all.
The grandma nesting instinct has kicked into overdrive and I’ve taken up a new hobby as a result. I’m mkaing a quilt for our sweet Baby Sander, who, incidentally, is a boy. I know a thing or two about sewing, but it’s been years since I’ve done any. I also did a little hand quilting a hundred years ago. The one I’m making this time, however, is done with a machine. Still, I believe I can do it and I’m eager to try. I will try to post my progress in case you are interested using the quilt-as-you-go method.
I’m happy to say the Aging Abundantly Group on Facebook is going really well. We have great discussions about all sorts of things and lots of laughs. It is a closed private group, so the only way in is through the link above.
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I agree with you that life is sweet. This is said with a certain confidence from a safe place, as yet. I avoid dwelling farther than this very day, this moment – precisely. I am thinking instead, of the people I love more than my own life. So much joy sharing their time of productive lives and watching, even from far, their children growing up. I feel very thankful for the simple pleasures in life.
As do I, Xanthoula. It’s bitter sweet at times, but counting our blessings makes each day sweeter.
Your stories of Novocaine and Machiato are so entertaining. And congratulations on your upcoming nanny-hood. The panda quilt is adorable!
Thank you, Marian! That’s not actually the quilt, but I may save the design for the next go-around. I have a feeling there will be more from one or the other of my sons. I will post the one I’m making as I make it. Today, I’m overwhelmed. But, I’m putting one foot in front of the other. I know I can do this! Hope all is well in your world.
Huge congrats on your grandmotherdom Dorothy! Yes, there is lots to celebrate, we need just remember that in some of our darkest moments. 🙂 And I must ask, you get novacaine for a filling? That’s something new to me. 🙂
I never did as a child when we lived in Maine. But when we moved to NY it began and has never stopped! This is a new dentist and he froze my face including my nose for two teeny tiny cavities! I’m going to ask him to go easier next time. It was worse than the pain I’m sure. It lasted over 3 hours! I’ve had it in the past where it was almost gone by the time I walked out of the office. Plus, the adrenaline in the Novocaine tweaks my PTSD. (I swear I’m moving to Canada!) 🙂
Nothing lasts forever, not the good times, nor the bad…..been there, done that! Thanks for the reminder. You might want to check out the local ASG [American Sewing Guild] chapter in your area. I joined my local one and found wonderful, helpful, funny, creative ladies. A good many quilt! And, they have access to lists of custom fabric printers if you want to explore fabrics beyond what’s available in retail……
Thank you! That’s a great suggestion I will look into it. Right now I could use some creative, helpful support!