HERE IT IS: The Launching
My youngest son, Devon, the designated speaker (might have been his idea) says, “We’re flying you out here for a week for your birthday so you can go to Tori’s Bridal Shower and see Emmett.” I’d even forgotten my birthday was on the horizon! I was speechless, awash with feelings. “Wow.” My ordinarily sufficient vocabulary left me. “Wow. That’s awesome!” PLEASE LET ME JUMP THROUGH THE PHONE AND HUG ALL OF YOU! My birthday is the 14th, and Scott has planned a couple of days in Charleston, SC. My mind was racing. When??? I’d forgotten the shower date because alas I wasn’t able to attend. I’d promised my sister I’d house sit and take care of her dog the last week in August. Oh, no! Panic set in, even as my words tumbled out in excitement and appreciation. I felt loved. Hubby was involved in the planning, I learned after I hung up, and has it all figured out. We’re good.MY POINT IS THIS. . .
All of this is just the groundwork for the real point of this post. I HATE TO TRAVEL ALONE! Yikes! Of course I want to go! I’ve been so sad about missing all of the showers and pre-wedding/baby events. I missed most of Erin’s pregnancy and watching my son grow into a husband and now father. This is a chance to be a part of their world. However, now, I have to do this thing solo! It’s not a big deal at all for most, but it’s huge for me. It’s also something I need to do! My kids are the only ones who can push me out of my comfort zone in a big way. I’d do anything for them, and they know it. For four years they’ve been half way across the country. We’ve driven every time we’ve visited,except for the wedding two years ago. And, it was the first time I had flown in twenty-five years! It was not a fear of flying, but life circumstances that kept me on the ground. As a young person I loved to fly and did so alone on numerous occasions. However, that was pre-9/11, pre-car accident, pre-PTSD, PRE-LIFE!TWO WEEKS TO PREPARE
So here I am. Two weeks to prepare, mostly my psyche. I take comfort in the knowledge that my teacher/mentor Caroline Myss confessed that she hates traveling alone, and she is one of the most courageous, together people I know! (She also has the money to hire or bribe people to travel with her, I suspect.) Still…it’s good to know that being a wimp doesn’t necessarily mean one is totally devoid of courage and inner strength. We use our courage and inner strength forging frontier of the inner life. Right Caroline? 🙂
When I’m in my comfort zone, I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than be at Tori’s shower and hold baby Emmett. In my fear zone, I want to run and hide. It’s my choice. In addition to mindfulness, I will improve my diet and stop slacking off on exercise. Getting my body ready for traveling is essential. Yes, it’s hot, but sweating is a great way to detox. I will fit in a massage and spend time with those who believe I have it in me to do this. Their belief in me is contagious.
Have you been shoved out of your comfort zone and lived to tell the tale?
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Dorothy, I am so excited FOR you! You’re going to have the most amazing time! You’re also very wise to prepare for your flight; if you haven’t already tried it, I highly recommend acupuncture and lavender for dealing with your anxiety about flying. I did both before flying to Colorado last month for my older daughter’s wedding, and they really helped. Happy Birthday!
Thank you, Candace! What a nice surprise to see you here! I have not worked up the nerve to try acupuncture yet, but I do Reiki, massage, lavender and guided imagery mediation, so I have something of an arsenal! My sister-in-law swears by acupuncture. Maybe one day! Thanks for the suggestion. I know it will be a wonderful trip, but no matter what, it will be a learning experience I wouldn’t dream of missing!
How wonderful that your children have given you this gift, Dorothy! I’m so excited for you.
That said, I hate to travel, period. Don’t care if anyone is with me. So here are some tips that come from experience:
If you wear an underwire bra, make sure the wire is plastic not metal
Don’t wear lacy underwear, we can send folks to outer space but apparently we can’t make a scanner that recognizes lace isn’t wiring
Don’t wear cargo type pants, the pockets confuse said scanner
Remember to dump out any water in a reusable water bottle
Smile, it will get better……..
Have a blast.
Things I’ve never thought of!! Thank you! 🙂 <3
Best ever line: “We’re flying you out here for a week for your birthday . . .
You can do this, Dorothy. And you have wonderful advice here, including not wearing an underwire bra! 🙂
I know, right?! Mindfulness, deep breathing, and gratitude will get me through. The Universe just thought I needed some more practice! That, and leaving the underwire bra at home! ha ha ha