Several years ago I launched a series of blogs called Manifest Me. It was an attempt to turn my attention back to my healing journey and away from my incessant desire to help others. It’s a dichotomous journey this. We long to share what we learn from our own trials and tribulations with those who are suffering, and yet, too often we give far too much away. I’m still struggling to find the balance as my sons and their families move back to our home town. Balance. It’s so elusive!
I couldn’t be happier to have them near by, to have the opportunity to snuggle and laugh with my grandson on a regular basis, to hang out with my daughter-in-laws while the boys and their Dad enjoy the latest super hero movie. But, it’s exhausting! How does one find balance in the good times? I’ve spent so much time clearing the debris of the past just to settle into some joy, and yet adrenal fatigue threatens to steal it away.
So, I’m launching a new season of Manifest Me SPRING, rebirth, new beginnings, the transformation process – it seems a perfect time. I have no idea what it will be occur. I never do, but it’s always good. It’s always helpful. Join me if you like and launch your own new beginning this spring. Attend to yourself. Tune into the deepest part of you. Turn away from external demands, even if only briefly each day and listen to the wind of your soul. What is it telling you? What is asking for your attention?
My soul is telling me loud and clear: take care of you, put yourself first, heal, care, love yourself into strength and wholeness; only then can you truly love another.
JOIN ME IN THIS SPRING REBUILDING JOURNEY – For Updates and more add your name to my new mailing list.
I so excited! NOT JUST QUOTES, Inspiration for the Ever-Evolving Woman, is finally available! I hope you’ll buy a copy! I put this book together especially for the woman in transition, and aren’t we all always in transition? I sure am! In the book you will find a selection of quotes on universal topics, my reflections on each and reflection questions to spur your own self-reflection. My hope is that it will offer you fuel for your journey, wherever you are along your path and help you connect with your authentic self so that you might MANIFEST YOU!
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as always your newest venture is inspiring, innovative and truly brilliant Dorothy. I have sent you an email asking about that grandson of yours, but haven’t heard back. I don’t want to lose touch. so very happy that your sons and families are once again with you and Scott.
Good to see you here, Sylvia! My life has been over the top hectic this past year. Baby, wedding, funeral (Scott’s Dad) and both boys, wives and baby have moved back to NC. Jeremy, Erin, Emmett landed with us at Thanksgiving and moved into there own house the first of the year. My youngest and bride are with us now until they find a home. Not much time to breathe! Will look for your email. I don’t want to lose touch either!