The older we get, the more likely we are motivated to look at our lives from different angles. We’ve had enough experience to gain perspective. Young twenty-somethings, eager to make it in their careers and impress members of the opposite sex, are often haphazard. They have endless energy, but not much perspective or focus, and stumble through life all guns blazing.
With each passing year we gather experience and as a result gain perspective. We know better what works for us and what doesn’t. All-nighters at the office, and weekend-long parties begin to lose their appeal and are replaced with other activities and interests.
If you’ve been a “full steam ahead” kind of person thus far, it may be time to pause, and take time to think about what you really want now. Perhaps you’d prefer to spend you time in others ways besides career advancement and an endless list of obligations.
Here are a few favors to consider doing for yourself now that you’re a little older.
#1 Spend more time doing things that you find meaningful. Spend less time doing things that are not fulfilling.
We all have things to do that we don’t like to do, or carry little meaning for us. If, however, these moments facilitate more meaningful ones, then they are wroth it. The trick is to figure out the relationship. If, for example, you enjoy having friends over for dinner but aren’t particularly keen on cooking, you may want to power through that part of it for the enjoyment you will receive later.
The older we get the more precious our time is and the more we will benefit from stepping away from “meaningless” tasks. Eliminating meaningless chores and “busy work” will create more time for life-affirming activities and moments of joy.
But, what is “meaningful?” Perhaps you have spent so much time living your life for your career or family that you’ve lost sight of what it is that is meaningful to you. The best way to figure that out is to experiment. Think about what you enjoyed doing when you were a child or young adult. Revisit those things and see what that leads. Or, just start paying attention to the possibilities that surround us all and try want that grabs your attention,
Filling in tax returns, or entering data into Excel spreadsheets, is not fun for many of us. Working on that novel you always wanted to write, or spending time with your grand-kids, however, is another story.
#2 Pay attention to your health. Listen to your body’s signals. Get a regular check-up.
Our health is one of the most important things in life. It impacts the quality of your life on so many different levels. Unfortunately, with each passing year our risk of various health conditions rises. One approach some people take to deal with this fact is to bury their head in the sand, and pretend it isn’t happening. Suffice it to say, this strategy only works until a health crisis develops, then it may be too late to resolve.
It’s important, therefore, to be mindful of our health, and to listen to the signals our body sends us. To safeguard not only the years in your life, but also the life in your years, it’s essential to be attentive. Do whatever you can to heed warning signs and address potential problems early on.
A regular check-up is crucial. Even a hearing test may result in a significant improvement in your quality of life in the present, or the future. Taking medication may not be the only option. Look for ways to address any health concerns in your every day life style with an eye toward prevention. For example, learning methods of stress reduction may lower your blood pressure and eliminate the need for blood pressure medicine.,
#3 Limit distractions, and live a more intentional lifestyle.
There’s only so much time available to us each day. Being intentional about how we spend our time will help us eliminate activities that are mere distractions that steal our time.
Opting for an intentional approach to how you spend your time by consciously choosing activities for the value they bring to your life, will enhance your quality o f life. In this age of technology, it is worth considering what value will be placed on all things digital, such as Netflix, social media and games. Ask, “How do I really want to spend my time?” Then, act accordingly. Reduce distractions and make the most of every moment you have available to you.
If you can end each day satisfied and proud of the way you’ve spent your time, life will be brighter and richer. You’ll likely make more of a positive impact, too.
#4 Have fun, and cultivate the ability to find the humor in things.
Sooner or later in life, we just have to let go of petty annoyances, frustrations, and even tragedies of years past, and find opportunities for a laughter, fun and joy.
When we can find the humor in things, it helps take a small bite out of our life tragedies, big and small. It also just makes life more fun! Life is too short to be so serious all the time. Consider it your duty to laugh and have fun. Research has shown it’s good for one’s health!
AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CHANGE: Sometimes it comes when we least expect it!
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