An expression of the “something more” in each of us finds expression in the photography of Laurie Anne King. She brings forth the inner beauty of each woman she encounters. This photograph is making the rounds on social media. Why do you think that is?
I think it is because each of us knows in our heart of hearts, in the inner most corners of our soul, that beauty resides there — and it grows and blossoms with each passing year. The beauty of wisdom, expansive love and the ability to forgive and reach for acceptance has arisen from our experience, our shattered hearts and the inexplicable joy of knowing we’ve survived. As we grow in inner awareness, we grow in our ability to love unconditionally and express all that we are. Yes, an aging woman is beautiful, from the inside out. We need only reach toward the inner most corners of our hearts and allow what’s there to overflow.
What do you see in this photograph?
Laurie Anne King labels herself as a Psychic Medium, Photographer and Greatness Coach, and “and as often as possible, entangled together!” I love when things are tangled together, like poetry and music, dance and spirituality, art and home decorating. We are complicated creatures and the expression of this cannot be simplistic! But then again, I a not a linear thinker.
I enjoyed perusing Laurie’s photographs and her musings that accompany them on Facebook. I hope you will take a look and check back here and let me know what you think. Would you like a photo of your soul?
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