Many people are returning to education in later life. When we were young, compulsory education mandated that we attend school. We went because we had to. A few loved it and kept at it because they were keen on learning what they needed to learn to obtain their dream jobs. Others left formal education for pure survival. They needed or wanted to leave full-time learning behind so they could enter the work force.
Those who left school, at 18, 21, or a little later, for a long time didn’t consider returning to education again. But, the world has changed considerably, and more people than ever are going back to school in their later years. Some times even decades have passed when they once again take up the books. Some do it to facilitate a career change or to push for a promotion, but others do it purely to satisfy their love of learning.
There are some who worry that that they are too old to return to education, that after such a long break they fear they might not be able to do academics. They’re concerned their brain just isn’t up to the challenge, or that they won’t fit in with much younger classmates.
Now, however, there are more options than before. Internet learning can be done to fit any schedule and even on a part-time basis. For example, a community college such as Bradley University can open the door to distance learning where you can finish a degree or just take classes for interest.
Throughout life we are always learning, whether we’re aware of it or not. Most people find that they return to education far more easily than they expected. Furthermore, they find the experience improves their life in unexpected ways.
More people have come to believe that they do not have to stick with a job that makes them unhappy. There’s no reason not to take on a new challenge. In fact, the average person has around ten jobs before they even hit 40. While some of these jobs may be part-time, changing jobs before settling into a career that sees you through to retirement is a common occurrence now.
A significant number of people still find they are jumping from one short term job to another in search of the perfect job. Others stick with a job they don’t like, or where they feel undervalued because they are afraid to try something new, or believe they are not qualified for anything else. Getting the qualifications needed often seems overwhelming.
The truth is, a lack of qualifications doesn’t have to stop you from reaching for your dreams, or get in the way of finding out what it is you do want to do instead. It’s a rare individual who knows what they want to do at 18 when heading to college or out into the work force. Further, the reality of working a particular career is very different than studying it. Changing one’s mind and/or interests throughout life is a positive sign. Life is teaching you what you like and don’t like. And, feeling stuck is more state of mind than a reality. The truth is, no one has to settle for a low skilled position because they lack qualifications. Returning to education to retrain is an open door to a different future and all you have to do is walk through it.
Online education and distance learning programs have opened learning up to many people who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to make a change. If you’ve always wanted to study but never had the opportunity, online learning is the perfect option.
Studying online provides the opportunity to learn around other commitments, or, to learn even while you keep your current job. It’s not necessary to sacrifice an income with the availability of online part-time learning.
As we get older, it becomes harder to meet people. Working at the same job for a long time or being retired, may keep you surrounded by the same people. While these relationships may certainly be valuable, meeting new people broadens our perspective.
New people add energy to our lives and can improve our mood, help keep our mind active, and increase our support network. Even if you choose to study online, you’ll make new connections through your classes. Returning to education in later life can be a real boon to your social life!
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