Health Issues To Be Prepared For When You Age

common health issues of agingOur bodies continue to change and develop even as we grow older.  Many of the the changes are positive. There are, however, common health issues of aging and small nagging problems that can surface. If you’re a planner, you may like to have an idea of what to expect so that you can be prepared for any eventuality.


The loss of hearing is one of the most common health issues of aging. Hearing loss can be caused by many different things, including blocked ears, infection, exposure to loud noises as well as a variety of other causes. It might be as simple as getting an earwax removal to help your hearing a little, but there will come a time as you age that more treatment will be needed. There is a link between hearing loss and cognitive decline. Therefore, it is important to see your doctor if you start to experience hearing loss.


In addition to hearing, our eyesight can be hit hard by aging. It is common to struggle with our sight as the years mount. Corrective lenses, either contacts or glasses, will be required. Fortunately, glasses are very popular these days, and there are a wide variety to choose from. So, along with better eyesight you may find you’re making a new fashion statement!

Of course, if your sight loss gets to the point where you feel as though it is affecting your life, and your ability to drive or do things around the home then this is a big indicator that it’s time to seek further help. It may be that you need someone to come to your home and help you with daily chores, so you can put less pressure on yourself, for example. If you want a good starting point, be sure to look up some Reviews, so you can find someone who’s able to meet your current and future needs.


Arthritis is a common ailment and affects most adults above a certain age. If you have started to notice some issues with your mobility and stiffness in your joints; there are many ways to manage this and ease the pain. You can take supplements such as cod liver oil to ease joints and practice yoga to lengthen your muscles. By adding a few things to your routine you will be able to keep active longer.

There may come a time when you’re no longer able to be active without help. As you age it can be more difficult to leave home without assistance or do simple tasks like gardening, which helps to keep you active. Senior Home Care Services are available to ensure you have the independence you need to stay mobile for as long as possible.


The aging process heightens the risk of many different illnesses. Heart disease and liver disease are more common in older people, and cold and flue symptoms may be stronger. Be sure to get regular checkups and consider having a flu shot each year. Being proactive with a weaker immune system will help you stay healthier.


Gut health is more important than you might think. You may start to find that you don’t digest foods as easily as you once did. If you start noticing symptoms such as indigestion or heartburn, keep a food diary and find what foods are causing you distress. Onion and garlic are common triggers for many, but everyone is different. Once you know what foods bother you, make adjustments to your diet and you will find your discomfort abate.




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2 Replies to “Health Issues To Be Prepared For When You Age”

  1. I am treated for macular degeneration, but am able to read without glasses and drive, WITH glasses. I count my blessings and try to minimize my limitations though I know my energy levels are changing.

    1. I have floaters and 3 pairs of glasses to see, but as long as I can see I feel fortunate. I’ve had vision impairment to one degree or another most of my life requiring ongoing adjustment. I’m also aware of some hearing loss and gut issues. Fortunately, we’ve had a lifetime of learning to adapt, to count our blessings and to keep on keeping on.

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