Avoiding illness was one of the last things on our minds when we were young. Most of us trusted that our bodies were healthy enough to get past any issues that arose. And, we were probably right. As the years pass, however, our bodies have a little more difficulty fighting off an illness. In addition, it takes longer to recover from a health setback.
The good news is that there are steps each of us can take to improve our resilience and reduce our risk of illness. The following tips for avoiding illness and improving recovery time are worth considering.
Research has shown that there is a significant connection between a high stress lifestyle and illness. Stress and the immune system tend to go hand in hand. If you feel overwhelmed or anxious on a regular basis, do yourself a favor and make some changes. Remind yourself that this is your life and you alone are the one in the driver’s seat. Putting ourselves first is not always comfortable, but it is appropriate and necessary, especially as we age.
There are hundreds of articles online and off offering tips for lowering stress. Most include meditation, exercise, yoga, deep breathing and quiet. The important thing is that we choose one that works for us and make it a part of our daily life. Remember, anything we do for the first time feels strange and awkward, but the more we do it the more comfortable we become.
During the first months of the COVID pandemic, the advice was clear: wash your hands and avoid shaking hands. Germs spread quickly through touching hands. The habits we developed during Covid are perfect for avoiding illness going forward. Wash your hands often throughout the day and keep a bottle or package of sanitizer nearby. Sing the ABCs when you wash your hands and you’ll be able to keep singing the ABCs with your grandchildren going forward.
You might have wondered why doctors don’t get sick considering they are constantly exposed to those who are. Is it because they practice good hygiene? Yes, this is part of the story, but it is also because they are more apt to focus more on a healthy diet. A healthy diet consists of foods with an abundance of vitamins and minerals and little fat, sugar and processed ingredients. A balanced diet will strengthen your immune system and help you avoid illness. Include foods with antioxidants in your diet, such as blueberries, red cabbage, beans, raspberries, strawberries, kale, artichokes, dark chocolate, and pecans. A google search will help you pull up more details.

Regular exercise will also help you avoid illness. In addition to reducing stress, exercise helps lower blood pressure and heart rate, improves circulation, strengthens heart muscles, and improves flexibility. A 30 minute walk each day can make a big difference in the way you feel and how your body functions.
Avoiding illness as we grow older is important to our quality of life and longevity. Living through Covid has made us all acutely aware of the dangers of illness, but it has also heightened our awareness of how to prevent it. Why not keep what we’ve learned going as we get back to doing what we love to do.
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