While depression can move into your life and turn it upside down, healing depression is possible. Every day I read stories and see statistics on the psychological impact of Covid, and depression is on the rise as a result. I know depression, inside and out. It can creep up on you, almost unnoticed and lay claim to your life. Fortunately, research and the scientific communities earnest desire to find relief for sufferers continues to bear fruit in unexpected ways.

If you are suffering from depression, from mild to severe, there are little things you can do every day to begin the healing process. Treatment is not one size fits all, and you may have to experiment to see what lifts your spirits. It is also very important to talk with your doctor. It is no longer necessary to see a psychiatrist to receive anti-depressants. Most GPs will now prescribe.
Science has shown us in recent decades that depression is not just a psychological issue. In fact, we can not think our way out of it. Trust me, I’ve tried! The fact is, depression is deeply rooted in our biochemistry and must be treated both physically and psychologically.
I remember being told back in the eighties when I was given my first prescription for anti-depressants that my brain chemistry was “just out of whack”, and that a jolt of medication would jump start it and then I could abandon medication. That was not even remotely true for me. Depression is very complex, and affects everyone differently. There is not a one size fits all treatment plan. The most effective treatment requires a variety of approaches and experimentation with what methods help the individual.
Science has never stopped looking for answers to all forms of mental illness. The manufacturers of antidepressants have not been eager to pursue alternative forms of treatment as they were quite happy with the profits anti-depressants add to their bottom line. Sadly, this bias has been passed on to doctors and the general public and while new treatments continue to be developed, they don’t always reach those in need.
“Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves.”
― The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Taking a pill to cure depression is missing the most valuable resource available to the healing process, the individual who is suffering. In order to heal depression, we must tune in to our bodies and notice what is happening. There are too many contributing factors to just sit back and let a pill do the job, or sit with a therapist and poke around in our past for years on end. That’s not to say that both of these things do not have a place in the process. They absolutely can and often do.
You will find that many of the “alternative” treatments suggested here are written and talked about on today’s lifestyle websites. I would like to stress, however, that in order to heal depression we must go deep within ourselves, pay attention to everything, and create a personalized plan of healing. We are not all the same, and what works for me may not work for you.
The hard part about coming up with a personalized treatment plan for depression is that the illness itself wants us to do nothing, and most of all to give up hope. Finding a healing companion, or several, who can motivate, inspire and direct you is an invaluable part of the solution.
For those dealing with specific military-related trauma, there is specialized PTSD treatment for veterans available. This treatment is geared towards their unique experiences while serving their country and on the battlefield. The program allows for sharing among people who have gone through the same trials and are able to relate to similar feelings of depression.
In subsequent posts I will talk more about the actions and benefits of steps we can take every day to mitigate anxiety and depression, whether or not we choose to take medication or engage in therapy.
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