The invasion into Ukraine has presented us with another set of unexpected circumstances. As a result, the world is shocked, stunned even, by the blatant onslaught of a peaceful country by a bullying autocracy. One man, flesh and blood like each of us, has chosen to unleash a horror, most of us can only imagine on an innocent people. What are we to make of it? What are we to do? We stand by helpless in our comfortable lives, suffering with and for them. Our outrage cries out for action. But what? What are we to do? What can we do?

Initial Response
These thoughts and questions have appeared countless times in comments on my Facebook postings. So many thoughts have come to mind as I too struggle to answer them. The initial response was instinctively to fall to our knees in prayer, even if we don’t ordinarily pray. I was struck by the universality of this response. It seems that “prayer” whatever we might imagine it to be personally is a universal language. We want to raise up our hearts and minds toward a higher good, in earnest, and call on what ever forces prevail in our universe to join with us for the common good. I find that remarkable. What our backs are against the wall, we continue to hope. We continue to call forth some universal cry for truth, justice, kindness and love.
In addition, I am amazed by the continuous outpouring of love for the people of Ukraine. We are unified in heart and mind that goes beyond race, religion, and political views. After the thunderous discord of recent years, it is a relief. We’ve longed for something to raise us from the muck, and as is often the case, an unexpected turn of events has done just that. Our previous disagreements seem trivial. They have taught us much it is true. One thing they have taught us is that peaceful coexistence is the better path.
Truth Stands Apart
Arising from the comments I receive is a powerful force for truth, justice, heart and compassion. We are agreed on that. It is a common bond that exists behind the surface discord amongst the majority. This truth stands apart from cultural trappings. It is based in something more; it is about our common humanity and our bottom line commitment to treating one another with respect and dignity.
As time goes on, I hear expressions of powerlessness. “What can we do to stop this terrible war,” we ask. When our anger at the horrific nature of what is taking place rises, we want to act, and we cannot act, we cry out. We want something to be done!
What I see and believe with all my heart is that we are doing something. That is to say, our thoughts, prayers, longings and yearnings are of far greater value than we imagine them to be. While we may not be able to physically comfort the children or provide our home cooked meal to the family, our longing to do so matters. In other words, what are doing in spades and unison matters. As opening our arms and our hearts to each other; we are encircling the globe with love, support and compassion, a powerful force for good.
As I mentioned above, some call this prayer, others call it healing energy. It doesn’t matter what each of us call it, it is a tangible force for good. And, it has the ability to turn the tide, to heal the broken, to bring about miracles. I’ve seen it happen.
Together with the People of Ukraine
Each day that we hold the Ukraine and its people in our hearts and minds and share our concern with each other, we are doing something essential. It’s no small thing. It is making a difference, even if we can’t see it right now. Each time we refuse to complain about rising gas prices because we’d rather pay more for our privileges than see a ruthless man destroy another life, we’re doing something of significance. We are standing resolutely behind those who are doing battle every day in their very real lives.
And so, we must continue on this path every day until this great shift in our world is complete. There is something much larger going on here and we must find a way to do battle in our own worlds, whatever they look like. We must stand on the side of truth and justice; we must fight for the freedom and rights of all, and protect the helpless. These are universal truths and it is as much up to us as it is to the Ukrainian soldier to shift the balance across the globe.
Hope Unites Us
Let us continue to offer hope to Ukraine and to one another; to lift up those who are suffering wherever and whenever we encounter them. We know what it’s like to suffer, and we have lived long enough to hold the truth in our hearts like a diamond, and refuse to give up hope.
Thank you for each and every one of your beautiful hearts and the love you create every day by being you.
You are a gift. Your love in all its various forms is a gift the world needs.

“We can have a world of peace. We can move toward a world where we live in harmony with nature. Where we live in harmony with each other. No matter what nation we come from. No matter our religion. No matter what our culture is. This is where we’re moving towards.” ~ Jane Goodall
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