In the darkness this morning, as I struggled to absorb what’s happened, I began writing to my children. What can I tell them? How can I give them hope, I thought. What do I believe? How will I get through? The following is what I sent to them and i share it now with you, because in truth, we are all family.
We have each other. We know what’s right and wrong. We know the difference between truth and lies. We know there’s a better way, that equality and kindness and love is where all truth begins. It is where our hope and joy lives.
The only way I see for us to live comfortably and productively going forward is to turn off all sources of negative input and turn our attention to the better side of humanity, wherever it exists, and most especially to look for its source within ourselves. We are not an insignificant minority and our power exists in the places where we focus our energy and attention.
We must give up the fight against, and live for what’s good, from the inside out. What brings goodness and love to one, brings it to all.
While it may appear to be an unfamiliar experience for many it is an option and an opportunity for each of us. We simply, or not so simply, have to choose it, knowing and believing it is where we will find the resources to weather this storm.
Little by little, day by day, choose to turn away from dark souls who want to steal your light to fill their emptiness. Resist raging and fighting against evil, pay them no attention for attention only strengthens and emboldens them. They feed on it. Choose instead to embody a better way. We must do it for ourselves, for our children and our children’s children.
Spread love and acceptance through kindness and generosity of spirit, for while it may not seem so in this moment in time, it is the stronger, more potent force. It will fill the crack in our hearts in the process. I love you.

And, I love all of you who hunger and thirst for a better world and are searching for answers to the difficulties we face, both personally and collectively. Our strength lies within. Our courage is an outgrowth of our deepest, abiding love. Dorothy
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Well put, thank you.
I do not have adequate words to thank you for your words of wisdom and hope. You are right! We must not feed the negatives and let them steal our light. We can do hard things. Clasp our hands together and let us move forward in strength, love, and compassion.
Yes! Together we will find our way, step by step. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. These are indeed challenging times.
Thank you Dorothy. I appreciate you so much, your words are soothing and helpful. May we all find our way back to peace and help each other in the process.
Together is our best way forward. I’m so grateful for strong and supportive women like yourself. In difficult situations I tend to write my way through and to not do so in a vacuum is one of the ups sides of an otherwise fraught internet. We’ll get through this somehow.
Dorothy, thank you for this response to the election. It’s beautiful and right. Take good care. Diane (Christy Steiger’s sister)
Oh hi, Diane! Thank you for your visit here. Would love to meet you in real life one day. We’ll make it through all of this mess together.