I started writing this morning and everything I started to write was filled with uncertainty and confusion. I think, today is a day of rest for me. I’ve been so focused on lifting up those around me that I think I’ve used up what I had at ready to give. I’m sure many of you feel the same. It’s what so many of us do in times of crisis, isn’t it.
We must remember to rest, to let our souls and psyches breathe and recover. We’ve experienced a terrible blow. Anne Lamott said it so well in a post yesterday,
“If you are anything like me, you can barely remember having ever felt so stunned, and doomed, except when someone very close to you died, or divorced you, or the godawful biopsy results came back. It’s a little as if the godawful biopsy results came back, and 73 million people cheered and gloated.” ~ Anne Lamott
When I fall into a space of unknowingness, disconnection, restlessness, sometimes I scan Facebook, looking for something, anything that will spark a fire in me. While I think this tendency is often the exact opposite of what any of us need to do when we’ve lost our way, there are times when hearing the voice of our community does lift me up. The best of what social media has to offer is a sense of community.
Today, as I scrolled, a flood of people, most of whom I admire, are expressing beautifully what I am feeling and sharing thoughts and words that I needed to hear. Maybe you do as well. We all could use some encouragement and comfort as we settle into our what’s next.
The creatives are on fire! What is that quote about writing and creating our way through difficult challenges? (It’s driving me crazy. I can’t find it anywhere!) But, I know the experience personally. And remember the 60’s? 9/11? Hard times foster creativity. It was one of the reasons I quit writing when I was young. I thought I had to suffer to write and damn, I didn’t want to suffer. Even so, here I am. ha ha I expect some really good new music to come online in the not too distant future as well. And poetry, and art of all kinds.
Anne Lamott’s full post is worth reading. And here is another:

“Paradoxically, however, Trump’s reckless venality is a reason for hope. Trump has the soul of a fascist but the mind of a disordered child. He will likely be surrounded by terrible but incompetent people. All of them can be beaten: in court, in Congress, in statehouses around the nation, and in the public arena. America is a federal republic, and the states—at least those in the union that will still care about democracy—have ways to protect their citizens from a rogue president. Nothing is inevitable, and democracy will not fall overnight,” writes Tom Nichols.
We will find our way. One step at at time. All is not lost. We never know what is around the corner, what seeming miracle will occur, what unforeseen circumstance will give us the lift we’re asking for. Our most important job is to keep our eye on the big picture, on our hopes, our dreams, who we are and what we believe in and where we can best focus our attention to heal ourselves and make the world a better place for everyone. So, burn some sage and carry on.
A Message for My Children & Grandchildren
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Thank you so much for all your writing, but especially “A Message For My Children & Grandchildren.” Both of my forty-something children called me on Wednesday, as they were overwhelmed with sadness and anxiety from the results of the election. I forwarded your message to each of them. It comforted them at a time when I couldn’t think, much less find the words to salve their wounded spirits. Thank you so much for sharing your words. Now, please take care of yourself. -Love, Cheryl
Thank you, Cheryl. My oldest turns 40 this month, his brother a few years younger. These are painful times and sadly the young have less to hang their hats on than we do, as so many once stable institutions have let them down. I am hopeful that through our challenges will find our strength and stability less in externals and more in something less visible. Thank you for your message. A community of kindred spirits is one of our strengths during trying times. In love, Dorothy