Using stress reduction techniques have helped me weather any number of storms throughout 2020 and 2021. This just ending holiday season held a new level of angst for the Sander family. The resurgent pandemic was an unwelcome addition to the party, creating anxiety around long put off travel plans and…
Preparing for retirement is an important step to take to help us ease into and enjoy our leisure years. Exercise and a healthy diet are at the top of your list, and that’s great! But, what other steps can you take to be ready to enjoy your retirement years? Here…
View More PREPARING FOR RETIREMENT: The Ultimate GuideHow to Support a Friend Dealing with Grief
Do you have a friend or loved one who is dealing with grief? You probably want to help but aren’t sure what to say or do. The best thing we can do to support someone who is grieving is just be there. Our presence alone is an enormous comfort. Offer…
View More How to Support a Friend Dealing with GriefChange Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts
You want to change your life. Most of us do to some degree or another, but we also feel at a disadvantage in one way or another. We try. We do the best we can to improve our lot, but still struggle to bring the desired results. Happiness evades us.…
View More Change Your Life by Changing Your ThoughtsHOW TO DEVELOP ACCEPTANCE AS A WAY OF LIFE
Acceptance doesn’t always come naturally. It is, however, a skill one can learn and practice, and doing so can make all the difference in how happy we are and our enjoyment of life. Getting older is a fact of life. It is also a fact that t is hard for…
View More HOW TO DEVELOP ACCEPTANCE AS A WAY OF LIFE3 Cornerstones of a Wellness Focused Daily Routine
A daily routine that includes personal well-being practices is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. Of course, actually finding ways to incorporate these practices often seems much easier said than done. When we allow daily interferences to interfere with our daily routine, frustration undermines our…
View More 3 Cornerstones of a Wellness Focused Daily Routine