, As I began my healing work, I was guided ever so gently toward the discovery of my safe place. Finding this space was not easy, nor was it anything like I expected it to be. I did not expect to go inside of myself and find an anchor, a…
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Our Authentic Inner Voice
Finding our authentic inner voice is a useful endeavor, even as it is a difficult one. I’ve written much in the midst of my pain over the last decade, but now that I’m in a clearing space I find my perspective is different, my view broader and broader by the…
View More Our Authentic Inner VoiceGutting It Out
Sometimes it just takes guts. Sometimes we can’t think our way to a solution. We can’t whine our way to the answer. We can’t emote our way to healing. Sometimes it just takes guts and putting one foot in front of the other and doing the thing we think we…
View More Gutting It OutA World of Abundance
A world of abundance lives outside of my window this morning. I am drawn to the Carolina blue sky. My breath catches as I see the sun’s rays wash over the lush green foliage along the driveway’s edge. It’s hard to imagine that in just a few short weeks the…
View More A World of AbundanceREACHING – POETRY
REACHING When I bent down to pick up the pieces of my life, I shoved my hands into the black soot of death and reached through the bitter haze of unspent emotions, to find fragments of me, inert, motionless and suffocating. * When I bent down to pick up the…
View More REACHING – POETRYBanish the Darkness
I’ve come to see that when darkness resides in our soul it’s because we dare not look in the corners and crevices that contain our pain. We fear the darkness when we could choose to shine a light to banish it. A self-protective mechanism no doubt. Still…. In recent years, I’ve…
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