A Simple Frame House

As I have probably mentioned before, I have a furry grandchild. Every morning he whines and fusses and stalks me until I take him for a walk. He is the bane of my existence, but he has made sure I exercise every day and for that I am grateful. This…

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Laughter ~ Balm for the Soul

You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.  ~ Michael Pritchard ~~~ What would life be like without laughter? One of the many gifts of aging is acquiring the ability to take ourselves a bit less seriously. While some people are just born with the ability…

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Think Time

Today is one of those wonderful rainy days that invite rest and reflection. For the half-cup empty kind person like myself, such a day is a rare occurrence and one to be embraced. On occasion, a rainy day and I co-exist happily together, feeding on our similar contemplative, brooding natures and…

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“Symptoms of Inner Peace”

Sometimes, particularly when life seems full of challenges, we become so focused on what we’ve yet to achieve both in our personal growth and  in our life accomplishments, that we forget to acknowledge or even take the time to consider what already has come to pass by effort or circumstance.…

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