the Ever-Evolving Woman
- the sadness of an empty nest
- the challenges of changing relationships
- the stress and heartbreak of dealing with aging parents
- the fear and loneliness of caring for a sick spouses
- the joy of grandchildren
- the excitement of starting something new
- the freedom and overwhelm of downsizing and simplifying
- the questions around retirement
- and so much more.
“I have been very lucky to find and get accepted in this group, and it makes me feel that I am among friendly people. It’s impressive how well it is managed by Dorothy Sander it’s creator, and it’s a place where mutual respect and good will are the basic characteristics of helpful and pleasant interactions. Ever so grateful to All!” AAC Member
- Be a part of a learning, thinking, growing, planning, pro-active community of women. We aren’t afraid to talk about aging and all of it’s joy and complexity.
- Learn from those who have been where you are now and/or share what you have learned from your experiences.
- Members are from all over the world with a vast array of backgrounds, experience and expertise. We are all women of wisdom with an eagerness to age abundantly.
- A fresh perspective
- A second opinion
- Laughter
- Answers to questions
- A new hobby
- A good book
- Creative inspiration
- Friendship
- Recipes
- Style tips
- Mental and emotional health tips
- Motivation and inspiration to stay healthy
- Conversation
- Growth challenges
- and more.
- A fresh perspective
The Aging Abundantly Community ~ A Gathering Place for the Ever-Evolving Woman
We are women of all ages, cultures, backgrounds, beliefs and lifestyles,
Who choose each day to lean into the aging process and not allow it to define us.
We seek to live, love and laugh as fully and courageously as possible.
We strive to live wholeheartedly and to show up authentically in love wherever we are.
The Aging Abundantly Community is a non-sectarian, supportive, safe and secure environment monitored at all times.